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1. According to Paul, generosity produces............?

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2. ''Go from your country and your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you...'' Where was Abram when this command was given ................. ?

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3. Jesus did not appeal to His Father for legions of angels to fight for Him because .................. ?

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4. '''Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh...''

When Moses resisted God's call with the statement above, it portrayed his

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5. What did the Jews do when Nehemiah told them about his mission in Jerusalem?

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6. According to Romans, good citizenship involves

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7. Busy bodies and those living in idleness in the church at Thessalonica were admonished to

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8. Before Moses brought the Israelites to meet God on Mount Sinai, he chatged them to.........

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9. Jesus used the illustration of the vine to teach that a christian that abides in Him will surely.........

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10. Prophet Ezekiel described the house of Israel as having a hard forehead and a stubborn heart because the people

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11. ''An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth...''

Jesus corrected the teaching in the statement above by declaring that

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12. The cities of the Amorites were completely devastated by Israel through the combined forces of

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13. Although David refused to kill Saul because he was the LORD'S anointed, he still believed that........ ?

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14. They have taken away my Lord, and I know not where they laid him, was the statement Mary Magdalene told Jesus at his sepulcher. This statement shows.........

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15. Where did Jesus lodge after he cleansed the temple?

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16. Paul advised Christians in Thessalonica to keep away from any brother who is ...................... ?

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17. In extolling the sovereignty of God, Amos contrasted Him with the Nile which he described as ............................ ?

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18. In paul's letter to the Thessalonians, believers were admonishing to prepare for the second coming of Christ by ...................... ?

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19. The very first and second miracle of Jesus can be found in which book and chapter of the bible?

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20. The disciples could not cast out the dumb spirit because

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