2020 – JAMB CRS PAST QUESTIONS & ANSWERS CBT PRACTICE You can also check in for latest; 9JA Music Gospel Music Foreign Music 1 1234567891011121314151617181920 CRS JAMB 2020 QUESTIONS 1 / 20 1. According to Paul, generosity produces............? a) righteousness b) salvation c) the grace of God d) thanksgiving to God 2 / 20 2. ''Go from your country and your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you...'' Where was Abram when this command was given ................. ? a) Haran b) Ur c) Bethel d) Shechem 3 / 20 3. Jesus did not appeal to His Father for legions of angels to fight for Him because .................. ? a) He colud; on His own, avoid the cross b) He wanted the scriptures to be fulfilled c) it was not proper angels to physically fight human beings d) the disciples were watching and praying 4 / 20 4. '''Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh...'' When Moses resisted God's call with the statement above, it portrayed his a) lack of stregth b) incompetence c) stubbornness d) lack of eloquence 5 / 20 5. What did the Jews do when Nehemiah told them about his mission in Jerusalem? a) They were hostile to him and he became discouraged b) They praised God for sending him to rebuild Jerusalem c) They encouraged one another to rise up and build the walls d) They informed Sanballat and Tobiah about his plans 6 / 20 6. According to Romans, good citizenship involves a) obedient to those in authority b) participation in governance c) reporting criminals in society d) supporting the poor 7 / 20 7. Busy bodies and those living in idleness in the church at Thessalonica were admonished to a) do their work in quietness and earn a living b) appeal to those in authority to create jobs c) endure persecution from their masters d) pray for those in authority for peace 8 / 20 8. Before Moses brought the Israelites to meet God on Mount Sinai, he chatged them to......... a) wash their garments and be consecrated b) mate with their wives for three days c) ensure they eat very well d) touch the mountain at the sight of smoke 9 / 20 9. Jesus used the illustration of the vine to teach that a christian that abides in Him will surely......... a) be a good shepherd b) resurrect on the Last Day c) bear much fruit d) be a bread of life 10 / 20 10. Prophet Ezekiel described the house of Israel as having a hard forehead and a stubborn heart because the people a) lacked confidence in him b) refused to listen to him c) had taken God for granted d) had endured suffering 11 / 20 11. ''An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth...'' Jesus corrected the teaching in the statement above by declaring that a) forgiveness is right b) retaliation should be in equal measure to the offence c) retaliation is right d) give and take is an ideal way of life 12 / 20 12. The cities of the Amorites were completely devastated by Israel through the combined forces of a) plague, hailstone and sword b) panic, hailstone and sword c) panic, plague, and sword d) plague, panic and hailstone 13 / 20 13. Although David refused to kill Saul because he was the LORD'S anointed, he still believed that........ ? a) Saul would be killed by the Philistines b) Saul would one day repent c) Saul's soldiers would cause him to die in battle d) the LORD would eventually smite Saul 14 / 20 14. They have taken away my Lord, and I know not where they laid him, was the statement Mary Magdalene told Jesus at his sepulcher. This statement shows......... a) She had a very strong and deep fellowship and relationship with Jesus b) She alone owns Jesus c) She is the sister of Jesus d) She very selfish and has personal interest 15 / 20 15. Where did Jesus lodge after he cleansed the temple? a) Jerusalem b) Bethpage c) Bethany d) Nazareth 16 / 20 16. Paul advised Christians in Thessalonica to keep away from any brother who is ...................... ? a) living in sin b) living in idleness c) very stingy in giving d) not proclaiming the gospel 17 / 20 17. In extolling the sovereignty of God, Amos contrasted Him with the Nile which he described as ............................ ? a) the source of Egypt's power b) the source of the waters of the sea c) rising and sinking d) rising and sinking 18 / 20 18. In paul's letter to the Thessalonians, believers were admonishing to prepare for the second coming of Christ by ...................... ? a) keeping awake and being sober b) encouraging idlers to work hard c) praying and fasting d) preaching peace and tolerance 19 / 20 19. The very first and second miracle of Jesus can be found in which book and chapter of the bible? a) John 4 : 41 - 54 and John 3 : 16 b) John 2 : 1 - 10 and John 4 : 46 - 54 c) Matthew 5 : 1 - 3 and John 2 : 1 - 10 d) John 5:1-10 and John 4 : 46 - 54 20 / 20 20. The disciples could not cast out the dumb spirit because a) it was stubborn b) it could only be driven out by prayer c) they had not been fasting d) they were not familiar with that particular spirit Your score is The average score is 0% Restart Cbt Please click the stars to rate the quiz Send feedback