2022 – JAMB BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS & ANSWERS CBT PRACTICE You can also check in for latest; 9JA Music Gospel Music Foreign Music 5 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930 2022 - JAMB Biology Past Questions & Answers Cbt Practice 1 / 30 1. The correct pathway for blood flow from the heart to the tissues of mammals is? a) heart-artery-arteriole-tissues b) heart-venule-vein-tissues c) heart-vein-venule-tissues d) heart-arteriole-artery-tissues 2 / 30 2. The waste product of insects is? a) sweat b) uric acid c) urine d) Mucilage 3 / 30 3. An adaptation for defense in animals is? a) croaking of a male toad b) spines in porcupine fish c) basking in lizard d) huddling together of penguins 4 / 30 4. The part of mammalian skin that excretes metabolic wastes is? a) sweat gland b) horny layer c) sebaceous gland d) Malpighian layer 5 / 30 5. The body of a snail is divided into head? a) visceral mass and abdomen b) thorax and foot c) visceral mass and foot d) thorax and abdomen 6 / 30 6. The growth of mucor on a piece of bread is? a) autotrophism b) saprophytism c) commensalism d) scavenging 7 / 30 7. In Nigeria, Southern Guinea Savanna is found in? a) Kogi and Kwara b) Kano and Niger c) Kaduna and Cross River d) Borno and Sokoto 8 / 30 8. The internal structure of a leaf that has larger air space is? a) spongy mesophyll b) palisade mesophyll c) epidermis d) vascular bundles 9 / 30 9. sources of air pollutants are? a) sulphurdioxide, acid rain and pesticides b) sulphur dioxide, vehicle exhausts, and aerosols c) sewage,smoke and old vehicles d) industrial chimneys, burning fossil oils and river dams 10 / 30 10. The components of blood in man are? a) red blood cells, white blood cells, plasma and platelets b) red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets c) red blood cells, white blood cells, plasma and water d) red blood cells, white blood cells, and plasma 11 / 30 11. Succession that occurs on an abandoned farm land is? a) tertiary b) primary c) secondary d) climax 12 / 30 12. An ecological instrument used to measure wind direction is? a) anemometer b) Secchi disc c) wind vane d) slope gauge 13 / 30 13. Conversion of atmosphere carbon into chemical bond energy occurs during the process of? a) digestion b) respiration c) transpiration d) photosynthesis 14 / 30 14. In genetic counseling, a man with hemoglobin formation HbA HbS is most preferred to marry a woman of? a) HbM HbF b) HbS HbS c) HbA HbA d) HbC HbH 15 / 30 15. Lack of nucleus is a feature in? a) leucocyte b) osteocyte c) erythrocyte d) neurone 16 / 30 16. The structure that joins the two strands of a chromosome together is the? a) spindle b) cellulose c) chromatid d) centromere 17 / 30 17. Tall trees with buttress roots and evergreen leaves are characteristics features of? a) Northern Guinea savanna b) Southern Guinea Savanna c) temperate grass land d) tropical rain forests 18 / 30 18. The genes crossing over occurs during? a) mutation b) fertilization c) meiosis d) mitosis 19 / 30 19. When a colour blind woman marries a normal man, what is the probability of their son being colour blind? a) 50% b) 0% c) 25% d) 100% 20 / 30 20. During mitosis, the stage at which chromosomes lines up around the equator is? a) anaphase b) metasphase c) telophase d) prophase 21 / 30 21. The type of fruit that is formed from a single flower having several free carpels is? a) simple fruit b) aggregate fruit c) indehiscent fruit d) fleshy fruit 22 / 30 22. The development of big muscles by a wrestler is an example of? a) inherited characteristics b) atrophication c) acquired characteristics d) mutation 23 / 30 23. An example of arboreal animal is? a) pig b) squirrels c) duck d) rat 24 / 30 24. The movement of sugars from the leaf to other parts of plant is? a) translocation b) transportation c) transpiration d) guttation 25 / 30 25. The movement of Euglena towards the source of light is a? a) kinetic movement b) nastic movement c) tactic movement d) tropic movement 26 / 30 26. Which of the following is associated with the dark stage of photosynthesis? a) Assimilation of Carbon(IV)oxide b) Photophosphorylation c) Photolysis d) Excitation of chlorophyll 27 / 30 27. Gaseous exchange in annelids is more advanced and efficient compared to flatworms because? a) their surface area to volume ratio is very low b) their cylindrical shape gives high surface area to volume ratio c) they have well developed respiratory structures d) the cells of their epidermis have no blood capillaries 28 / 30 28. The part that performs urinogenital function in the male reproductive system is the? a) epididymis b) seminal vesacle c) ureter d) urethra 29 / 30 29. The feeding relationship that exists between a tick and a cow is? a) mechanism b) parasitism c) saprophytism d) commensalism 30 / 30 30. A universal recipient of blood belongs to blood group? a) A b) ) c) AB d) B Your score is The average score is 44% Restart Cbt Please click the stars to rate the quiz Send feedback