2022 – JAMB CHEMISTRY PAST QUESTIONS & ANSWERS CBT PRACTICE You can also check in for latest; 9JA Music Gospel Music Foreign Music 11 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930 2022 - JAMB Chemistry Past Questions & Answers Cbt Practice 1 / 30 1. SO2 + O2 → 2SO3 In the reaction above, the most suitable catalyst is? a) copper(i)oxide b) iron(iii)oxide c) vanadium(v)oxide d) chromium(vi)oxide 2 / 30 2. The pollutant that is usually present in a city which generates its electricity from coal? a) fog b) sulphur(iv)oxide c) smog d) carbon(ii)oxide 3 / 30 3. An organic compound which liberates carbon(iv)oxide from trioxocarbonate(iv) solution is likely to be? a) C 3 H4 b) C6H6 c) CH 3 COOH d) C 2 H 5 OH 4 / 30 4. N2O4 ⇔ 2NO2 (Δ = -ve) From the reaction above, which of these conditions would produce the highest equilibrium yield for N2O4? a) Low temperature and high pressure b) high temperature and high pressure c) Low temperature and low pressure d) high temperature and low pressure 5 / 30 5. 2H2 + O2 → 2H2O From the equation above, calculate the volume of unreacted oxygen gas if a mixture of 50cm3 of hydrogen and 75cm3 of oxygen is involved a) 55cm³ b) 85cm³ c) 50cm³ d) 125cm³ 6 / 30 6. In the extraction of iron, hot air is introduced into the blast furnace through? a) valves b) arcs c) open-hearths d) tuyeres 7 / 30 7. If the volume of a given mass of a gas at 0ºc is 29.5cm3. What will be the volume of the gas at 15ºc, given that the pressure remains constant? a) 31.1 b) 31.6 c) 62.2 d) 32.7 8 / 30 8. Using the metal activity series, the metal that can liberate hydrogen gas from steam is? a) Tin b) Lead c) Copper d) iron 9 / 30 9. How many neutrons are present in an atom with the mass number and atomic number 37 and 17 respectively? a) 18 b) 37 c) 20 d) 17 10 / 30 10. An organic compound which decolorizes bromine water is likely to be? a) C2H6 b) C3H8 c) C2H4 d) C4H10 11 / 30 11. The addition of sodium chloride to water to form a solution would lead to? a) increase in freezing point and decrease the boiling point b) decrease in freezing point and decrease the boiling point c) increase in freezing point and increase the boiling point d) decrease in freezing point and increase the boiling point 12 / 30 12. The sulphide that is commonly used in coating electric fluorescent tubes is? a) lead(iv) Sulphide b) Zinc Sulphide c) iron(ii)Sulphide d) tin(ii)sulphide 13 / 30 13. An organic compound contains 69% carbon, 15.3% hydrogen and 30.7% oxygen. Calculate the the empirical formula [C=12, H = 1, O = 16] a) C3H9O b) C4H9O c) C3H8O d) C 4H12O 14 / 30 14. Which of the following best represents a solid gas mixture? a) soil b) kerosene c) milk d) smoke 15 / 30 15. An organic functional group which would likely decolourize ammoniacal silver nitrate is? a) alkene b) alkanol c) alkyne d) alkane 16 / 30 16. A chemical widely used as a fertilizer is? a) nitrochalk b) bauxite c) galena d) emerald 17 / 30 17. Zn + 2HCL → ZnCl2 + H2 What happens to zinc in the above reaction? a) A metal b) oxidized c) a reactant d) reduced 18 / 30 18. In order to electroplate spoon with silver, the arrangement of the electrolytic cell is? a) the electrolyte is silver trioxonitrate(v)( solution and the cathode is a silver rod. b) the anode is the spoon and the cathode is a silver rod c) the anode is a silver rod and the cathode is the spoon d) the electrolyte is silver trioxonitrate(v) solution and the anode is the spoon 19 / 30 19. The sub-atomic particles located in the nucleus of an atom are? a) neutron and proton b) proton and electron c) neutron and electron d) proton and ions 20 / 30 20. A coloured gas that is known to be poisonous and can readily damage the mucous lining of the lungs is? a) sulphur(iv)oxide b) chlorine c) hydrogen sulphide d) carbon(ii)oxide 21 / 30 21. The following non-metal form acidic oxides with oxygen except? a) carbon b) chlorine c) phosphorus d) sulphur 22 / 30 22. On the basis of the electrochemical series, which of these ions will show the greater tendency to be discharged at the cathode in an electrolytic cell a) Cu2+ b) Sn2+ c) Fe2+ d) Zn2+ 23 / 30 23. In the preparation of salts, the method employed will depend on the? a) stability to heat b) precipitating ability c) composition d) dissociating ability 24 / 30 24. In which of the following will hydrogen form an ionic compound? a) NaH b) HCL c) CH4 d) NH3 25 / 30 25. Crude petroleum is converted to useful products by the process of? a) chromatography b) filtration c) fractional crystallization d) fractional distillation 26 / 30 26. The IUPAC nomenclature of the structure shown is? a) 2-chloro-2-methylbutane b) 2,2,-dichloro-3-methylbutane c) 3-chloro-3-methylbutane d) 3-methylchlorobutane 27 / 30 27. An organic compound with a fishy smell is likely to have a general formula ___ a) RCONH2 b) RCONHR1 c) RCOR1 d) RNH2 28 / 30 28. Wrought iron is obtained by heating cast iron in a furnace with? a) calcium trioxosilicate(iv) b) carbon(ii)oxide c) magnetite d) haematite 29 / 30 29. When heat is absorbed during a chemical reaction, the reaction is said to be ___ a) thermodynamic b) isothermal c) exothermic d) endothermic 30 / 30 30. The addition of charcoal to the filter bed of sand during water treatment for city supply is to? a) prevent tooth decay b) remove odour c) prevent goiter d) kill germs Your score is The average score is 33% Restart Cbt Please click the stars to rate the quiz Send feedback