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2022 - JAMB Chemistry Past Questions & Answers Cbt Practice

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1. SO2 + O2 → 2SO3

In the reaction above, the most suitable catalyst is?

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2. The pollutant that is usually present in a city which generates its electricity from coal?

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3. An organic compound which liberates carbon(iv)oxide from trioxocarbonate(iv) solution is likely to be?

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4. N2O4 ⇔ 2NO2          (Δ = -ve)

From the reaction above, which of these conditions would produce the highest equilibrium yield for N2O4?

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5. 2H2 + O2 → 2H2O

From the equation above, calculate the volume of unreacted oxygen gas if a mixture of 50cm3 of hydrogen and 75cm3 of oxygen is involved

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6. In the extraction of iron, hot air is introduced into the blast furnace through?

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7. If the volume of a given mass of a gas at 0ºc is 29.5cm3. What will be the volume of the gas at 15ºc, given that the pressure remains constant?

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8. Using the metal activity series, the metal that can liberate hydrogen gas from steam is?

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9. How many neutrons are present in an atom with the mass number and atomic number 37 and 17 respectively?

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10. An organic compound which decolorizes bromine water is likely to be?

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11. The addition of sodium chloride to water to form a solution would lead to?

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12. The sulphide that is commonly used in coating electric fluorescent tubes is?

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13. An organic compound contains 69% carbon, 15.3% hydrogen and 30.7% oxygen. Calculate the the empirical formula [C=12, H = 1, O = 16]

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14. Which of the following best represents a solid gas mixture?

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15. An organic functional group which would likely decolourize ammoniacal silver nitrate is?

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16. A chemical widely used as a fertilizer is?

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17. Zn + 2HCL → ZnCl2 + H2

What happens to zinc in the above reaction?

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18. In order to electroplate spoon with silver, the arrangement of the electrolytic cell is?

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19. The sub-atomic particles located in the nucleus of an atom are?

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20. A coloured gas that is known to be poisonous and can readily damage the mucous lining of the lungs is?

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21. The following non-metal form acidic oxides with oxygen except?

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22. On the basis of the electrochemical series, which of these ions will show the greater tendency to be discharged at the cathode in an electrolytic cell

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In the preparation of salts, the method employed will depend on the?

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24. In which of the following will hydrogen form an ionic compound?

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25. Crude petroleum is converted to useful products by the process of?

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The IUPAC nomenclature of the structure shown is?

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27. An organic compound with a fishy smell is likely to have a general formula ___

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28. Wrought iron is obtained by heating cast iron in a furnace with?

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29. When heat is absorbed during a chemical reaction, the reaction is said to be ___

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30. The addition of charcoal to the filter bed of sand during water treatment for city supply is to?

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